Jonas Kaufmann Releases Single From The Upcoming Album
By Dejan VukosavljevicJonas Kaufmann has released a new track, “Da unten im Tale,” by Johannes Brahms.
Brahms’ song is a part of Kaufmann’s new Album “Selige Stunde,” which is due for release on September 4, 2020.
Another track, “Mondnacht,” Op. 39/5 by Robert Schumann is now also available.
The album also contains lieder such as Silcher’s “Ännchen von Tharau,” Mozart’s “Sehnsucht nach dem Frühling (“Komm, lieber Mai”),” Beethoven’s “Adelaide,” Mendelssohn’s “Auf Flügeln des Gesanges,” Schubert’s “Die Forelle,” Schumann’s “Widmung,” Tchaikovsky’s “Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt,” Chopin and Melichar’s “In mir klingt ein Lied,” Liszt’s “Es muss ein Wunderbares sein,” Bohm’s “Still wie die Nacht,” and Richard Strauss’ “Zueignung,” Op. 10/1, among others.
“Selige Stunde,” which is titled after the lied by Alexander von Zemlinsky, features Kaufmann and pianist Helmut Deutsch.