Artist of the Week: Carmen Solis

(Credit: Sabrina Ceballos) Verdi’s “Alzira” is likely the composer’s least-known opera. Its rarely staged or performed and it received mixed reviews when {…}

Opera Meets Film: How Peter Weigl Explores Dvorak’s ‘Rusalka’ on Video

We all know Disney’s rendition of “The Little Mermaid,” and are familiar with its transformation of Hans Christian Anderson’s oft-disturbing 1837 fairy tale into a heartwarming, family-friendly story of love and adventure. The original narrative is far more Wagnerian than Mozartian in dramatic tenor, due to Anderson’s synthesis of intense pathos with virtuous rebirth. In the Disney version, Ariel—who is {…}

Reassessing ‘Orphée aux enfers’ – How the 1973 Théâtre de la Gaïté-Lyrique Production Spotlights Offenbach’s Opera in a Class of its Scandalous Own

Perhaps no other work within the conventional canon of comic opera, of which Rossini, Donizetti, Mozart, Webern, and Lehar find their respective places, has achieved so much {…}

Opera Meets Film: How Götz Friedrich Captured the Revolutionary Spirit of Strauss’ ‘Elektra’ on Film

“Opera Meets Film” is a feature dedicated to exploring the way that opera has been employed in cinema. We will select a section or a film in its entirety, highlighting the {…}