Artist of the Week: Aundi Marie Moore

This week the Toledo Opera is set to present the company premiere of Tazewell Thompson and Jeanine Tesori’st timely work “Blue.” The work will feature a diverse {…}

Opera Meets Film: How Straub & Huillet’s ‘Moses und Aron’ Leaves Us to Our Own Interpretative Devices

Despite Arnold Schoenberg’s (1874-1951) widespread popularity as one of the most important ‘fathers of serialism’ and the person almost solely responsible for ushering in the age of dodecaphony (12-tone technique), his four operas are largely unknown. Despite this, it was Schoenberg’s fourth opera, “Moses und Aron,” which would transform opera forever. No longer constricted by the indulgent attitudes of Italian {…}

Artist of the Week: Nicola Campogrande

This week Festival Della Valle D’Itria is set to present its final opera of the season. It will world premiere “Opera Italiana” by Nicola Campogrande, a composer {…}

Artist of the Week: Michele Mariotti

(Credit: ©Rocco Casaluci) This week the Festival d’Aix-en-Provence opened its 2022 edition featuring an array of repertoire and exciting productions. The festival will {…}

Opera Meets Film: How Andrzej Żuławski’s ‘Boris Godunov’ Shows Past as Prologue

In January 1989, the Polish film director Andrzej Żuławski released his film “Boris Godunov,” a film that cost seven million dollars to create. It featured a live production of the monster opera conducted by the eminent Soviet cellist and conductor, Mstislav Rostropovich. The film would re-conceptualize the opera in a mise en abyme (self-reflection) style, layering the operatic performance inside {…}