World Premiere of ‘Eurydice Fragments’ to be Presented at re:Naissance’s IndieFest
By Afton Markayre:Naissance’s fifth annual IndieFest opens with the world premiere of “Eurydice Fragments” by Luke Hathaway and Teiya Kasahara.
The production is a reimagining of the Greek Orphean myth, blending powerful vocal performances, dance, XR, and motion capture technology to explore identity beyond binaries. It follows O, a trans individual navigating self-expression through virtual avatars in a quest for wholeness. This immersive performance challenges audiences to consider the complexity of identity and self-expression in a modern world. The project has been seven years in the making, and was presented in short-form iterations over the past several years, such as “Live from the Underworld,” which earned international acclaim.
Teiya Kasahara takes on the lead role as O. Also among the cast is Brandon Thornill, Toddy, Leo D.E Johnson, Sarah Vickruck, Alyssa Samson, Asitha Tennekoon, and Kunji Ikeda.
“Eurydice Fragments” will open at Signals Studio at the Centre for Digital Media on Nov. 15. Following performances are scheduled for Nov. 16 and 17.
IndieFest celebrates local creatives, amplified the voices of IBPOC and LGBTQ2S+ artists, and pushed for innovation in live performance with genre-defying projects. This year’s theme, “Transformation and Transcendence,” invites audiences to engage with the world in new ways and encourages authentic personal growth. The festival takes place from Nov. 15–23.