Toledo Opera Announces ‘View Then Voice’ Focus Group for Upcoming ‘La Traviata’

By David Salazar

Toledo Opera is accepting applications for first-time opera attendees to be guest critics for the company’s “View Then Voice” focus groups.

If chosen, attendees would receive two tickets to the final dress rehearsal of the company’s “La Traviata” on April 20, 2022. Following that, participants would come together for a focus group session at the ProMedica Ebeid Center. The company will provide transportation upon request.

“This project was inspired by ‘Look at Art. Get Paid.,’ a model co-created by artists Maia Chao and Josephine Devanbu. We believe we can learn a lot from first-time opera attendees,” said Alyssa Greenberg, community engagement director for Toledo Opera, in an official press statement. “We look forward to meeting our participants, listening to what they have to share, and developing impactful ways to engage more deeply Toledo area residents.”

“La Traviata” will be presented on April 22 and 24, 2022.

