Leah Hawkins, Maria Brea, Rafael Moras & SeokJong Baek Lead Arizona Opera’s 2024-25 Season

The Arizona Opera has announced its 2024-25 season. The season opens with Arizona Opera’s new “Beyond Downtown” program, the newest evolution of the company’s McDougall RED Series, which will bring operatic performances throughout Arizona, reaching beyond the walls of the theaters in which the company typically performs. Performance Dates: TBD Caitlin Gotimer, SeokJong Baek, Benjamin Taylor, and Emma Marhefka perform {…}

Houston Grand Opera Unveils Semifinalists for Eleanor McCollum Competition for Young Singers Concert of Arias

The Houston Grand Opera has announced the semifinalists for the 32nd annual Eleanor McCollum Competition for Young Singers Concert of Arias. The event, which will take place on Feb. 7, 2020 at 7 p.m. at the Wortham Theater Center. Sopranos led the semifinalists with a total of seven participants – Tatiana Carlos, Lindsey Chinn, Amani Cole-Felder, Caitlin Gotimer, Emily Kern, {…}