San Francisco Opera to Explore Verdi in ‘Opera Aficionado’ Discussion Series
By Logan MartellSan Francisco Opera’s Department of Diversity, Equity, and Community has announced “Opera Aficionado,” a series of online discussions running through October and centered on the life and work of Giuseppe Verdi.
First up is “The Young Verdi: Preparing for Greatness.” SFO Dramaturg Emeritus Kip Cranna will follow Verdi’s development and early life, with audio and video example to introduce some his earliest compositions.
Broadcast Date: October 3, 2021.
Next up is “Verdi’s Birthday Party: Exploring Our Favorite Moments of Verdi.” Cranna will be joined by Cole Thomas-Redus and discuss some of their most beloved of Verdi’s works on the composer’s birthday.
Broadcast Date: October 10, 2021.
Guest speaker Robert Hartwell will discuss and share insights on Verdi’s “Rigoletto.”
Broadcast Date: October 17, 2021.
The series comes to a close with “Verdi and the Human Voice.” Alexandra Amati discusses Verdi’s ability to write for a variety of voices and characters and its place in shaping the story.
Broadcast Date: October 24, 2021.