Regents Opera Adds Extra ‘Ring’ Performance Due to High Demand

By David Salazar
(Credit Steve Gregson)

Regents Opera has added an extra performance of “Götterdämmerung” due to high demand.

The company will be showcasing Wagner’s famed tetralogy in early 2025 with one cycle opening on Feb. 9 and running through the 16th and the second starting on Feb. 23 and finishing up on March 2, 2025. The added performance of the climactic opera is set for Feb. 20, 2024.

“The company is so proud to be bringing these monumental works to fruition – in our new space at York Hall – where audiences can experience them in more intimate ways that wouldn’t be possible in a major opera hall, and new audiences can take a chance on discovering one of the greatest operatic works of all time with tickets they can afford,” said Ben Woodward, the conductor for the project who is also providing a 22-piece orchestral arrangement of the score. “The cast, the players, the production team and all the fundraisers and funders of this Cycle have all brought something incredible to this project over the last few years of planning and dreaming. And here we are now, planning the final opera ‘Götterdämmerung’ – which I will finish in time! – and the full Cycle. It’s the product of sweat and tears, dreams and determination. It will be emotional and wonderful, and I really hope you can join us to hear this quite brilliant cast and orchestra perform this Ring Cycle.”

“Götterdämmerung” stars Ingeborg Børch, Mae Heydorn, Jillian Finnamore, Peter Furlong, Catharine Woodward, Simon Wilding, Andrew Mayor, Justine Viani, Oliver Gibbs, Jillian Finnamore, Justine Viani, Mae Heydorn, and Catherine Backhouse.

