Pittsburgh Opera to Stream ‘In a Grove’

By David Salazar

Pittsburgh Opera is set to broadcast the world premiere of “In a Grove” on May 15, 2022.

The showcase, which is based on the short story by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, will be available to stream on YouTube for free.

The opera, which is based on the source material that was also the basis for the historic and award-winning film “Rashomon,” will star Yazid Gray as the woodcutter and outlaw, Andrew Turner as the policeman and the man, Madeline Ehlinger as Leona Raines and Leona’s mother, and Chuanyuan Liu as the Priest and Medium.

Anthony Walker conducts the production, which will be directed by Mary Birnbaum.

“In a Grove” premiered on Feb. 19, 2022 and ran for a total of six performances through March 3, 2022.

