Jason Hackenwerth to Present ‘Sparrow’s Dream’
By Francisco SalazarOn Feb. 8, Artist Jason Hackenwerth is set to present “Sparrow’s Dream” at The Palladium Theater in St. Petersburg Florida.
Hackenwerth is known for his jaw-dropping ephemeral sculptures made entirely of thousands of biodegradable latex balloons. For this work, Hackenwerth has created a cast of fantastic Avant Garde wearable sculptures and brought them to life with some of the most iconic operatic arias ever recorded.
The one-night-only performance will take audiences on a wondrous journey of unconscious desires and transcendent revelations.
The Palladium Creative Fellowships support and foster artistically and culturally diverse performing artists. It also provides a full-service theater as a space to develop their work, and showcases the range of talent that lives and works in our community.
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