Ensemble Altera to Give Concert on New Arrangements of African-American Spirituals & Biblical Texts
By Afton Markay“The Lamb’s Journey” will be presented by Ensemble Altera. The concert follows the theme of the Christ narrative by including Renaissance through modern works and three world premieres.
The program features sacred pieces by Lotti, Scheidt, Barber, Brukner, Poulenc, and more. As well as premieres of the ensemble Artistic Advisor and choral singer Michael Garrepy’s arrangement of “Were You There (When They Crucified My Lord),” winner of Altera’s second annual composition competition, William Blake’s “The Lamb,” and Joanna Marsh’s “Worthy is the Lamb.”
The ensemble is led by Artistic Director and counter-tenor Christopher Lowrey. Members include both local and international choral singers, alongside artists from Voces8, The Gesualdo Six, and The Kings Singers.
There will be two performances. The first is scheduled for August 20, at 8:00 p.m. in Cambridge, Mass. and August 21, at 3:00 p.m. in Providence, R.I.