Dessoff Choirs to Present J.S. Bach’s ‘St. John Passion’

By Afton Markay

The Dessoff Choirs will present J.S. Bach’s St. John Passion on May 6 at Mother AME Zion Church in Harlem.

Malcolm J. Merriweather and concertmaster Katie Hyun will lead the period orchestra and soloists, tenors Noah Stewart and Elliott James Encarnación, soprano Sonya Headlam, and bass Kevin Thompson. The alto soloist will be announced at a later date. St. John Passion will be sung in a new English translation by Madeleine Marshall.

In celebration of Black History Month, Dessoff Choirs released world-premiere recordings of “Credo” and “Simon Bore the Cross” by composer Margaret Bonds.

This is the choir’s final concert of the season.


