Cathedral of St. John the Divine to Feature ‘Under the Arches: Music of Bach, Brahms, Bruckner & Rheinberger’
By David SalazarThe Cathedral of St. John the Divine’s will continue its Great Music in Great Spaces concert series on March 18, 2020 with “Under the Arches: Music of Bach, Brahms, Bruckner & Rheinberger.”
The performance, which will be led by Kent Tritle, the director of Cathedral Music, Musica Sacra, will feature Josef Rheinberger’s Mass for Double Choir in E-Flat Major, “Cantus Missae,” Johannes Brahms’s motet “Schaffe in mir, Gott” and Anton Bruckner’s “Os Justi.” J. S. Bach’s “Komm, Jesu, komm” closes out the program.
“I created the program ‘Under the Arches’ to reflect our location, which is under the incredible Gothic arches of the nave of the Cathedral. This is also a program designed ‘Under the Arches’ of J.S. Bach,” Tritle told OperaWire regarding the program’s design. “We perform Bach’s incredible motet for double chorus, ‘Komm, Jesu, Komm’ which is a Musica Sacra signature piece. Later works reflect the influence of Bach; Rheinberger’s Mass for Double Choir ‘Cantus Missae’ is exactly that- it is inspired by the double choir motets of Bach.”
“Bruckner’s Os Justi is a jewel of a motet which starts and ends in serene stillness, but has at its center a very carefully sculpted fugue a la Bach. And the masterpiece of Johannes Brahms, ‘Schaffe in mir, Gott’ is also a tribute to the motets of Bach. Brahms creates a three movement work which reflects contrapuntal homage to the great master Bach, along with dance rhythms of the baroque era in its final movement.”