Barcelona Festival of Song Announces 2022 Season
By David SalazarThe Barcelona Festival of Song has announced its 2022 season.
It all kicks off with “Memoria de la Llum” featuring soprano Patricia Caicedo and pianist Josep Burforn i Galan. The showcase will feature music by Nico Gutierrez, Dana Kaufman, Brian Field, Anna Cazurra, and Patricia Caicedo.
Performance Date: July 8, 2022
“Nuestros Días, poemas de amor hechos canción” will feature music by Patricia Caicedo based on poetry by Argentine poet Raúl Cristián Aguirre and his parents Raúl Gustavo Aguirre and Hebe Monges.
Performance Date: July 9, 2022
Tenor Lenine Santos and pianist Nikos Stavlas will perform Brazilian songs by such composers as Picchi, Bahia, Ovalle, de Oliveira, and Villa-Lobos, among others.
Performance Date: July 13, 2022
Mezzo-soprano Lori Sen and Nikos Stavlas will join forces for music by de Donostia, Nin-Culmell, Saminsky, Akiva, Rodrigo, Simoni, Braun, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, and Hemsi, among others. The concert will also feature the premiere of works by Manuel García Morante.
Performance Date: July 14, 2022
Several U.S. singers, including Demaree Brown, Sangeetha Ekambaram, Amelia Gil-Figueroa, Anya Kosachevich, Abigail Mesel, Aleksandra Nowakowski, Zarah Rothschild, Allison Standford-Jones, and Pablo Willey-Bustos will perform in two final concerts entitled “Un Món de Cançons” and “La Alegría de Cantar.”
Performance Date: July 15 & 16, 2022