Anthony Roth Costanzo Teams Up With Works & Process Artists Virtual Commission for World Premiere of ‘Tick Tock Click Clock’
By David SalazarUPDATE: This has been postponed until June 20, 2020.
Anthony Roth Costanzo will be teaming up with Zack Winokur and Dick Hyman for the world premiere of “Tick Tock Click Clock” at the Works & Process Artists Virtual Commissions on June 1, 2020.
In a press release, the famed countertenor noted that he was asked by the Works & Process at the Guggenheim to create a video as part of the organization’s current programming. So he reached out to director Zack Winokur and designer Adam Charlap Hyman to see what they could create together. The artists then joined forces to create the video, each working remotely from home.
“This was what I had been missing in my isolation; this was as close to putting together a full production as we were going to get right now. While the final video will only be a minute and change, it represents the kind of layered ingenuity and interdisciplinary play that I crave now more than ever,” Roth Costanzo stated in a press release.
Other collaborator on this project include Dick Hyman at the piano, Sarah Stuve as video editor, and Ed Vinson on percussion.