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The Crossing is to Celebrate Holidays with David Lang’s ‘poor hymnal’


The chamber choir The Crossing is set to present “The Crossing @ Christmas 2024.” The three December performances will showcase David Lang’s “poor hymnal,” one of those rare pieces that seamlessly and quickly moves from its first performance to icon. The work, which premiered in December 2023, will be performed at Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center on Dec. 21 {…}


Death of Classical 2023-24 Review: David Lang’s ‘The Little Match Girl Passion’


(Photo: Steven Pisano) Death of Classical‘s 2023-24 season concluded The Crypt Sessions with David Lang‘s very timely “The Little Match Girl Passion” featuring the Ekmeles Vocal Ensemble at NYC’s Church of the Intercession on December 12, 2023. “The Little Match Girl Passion,” based on The Little Match Girl by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, originally debuted in 2007 at Zankel {…}

Behind the Scenes, Interviews

Q & A: Composer David Lang on Creating ‘note to a friend’ for Japan Society


Japan Society will premiere Pulitzer Prize-winning composer David Lang’s newly commissioned opera, “note to a friend,” as part of the 10th Anniversary of the Prototype Festival in January 2023. This new work reimagines three texts written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa and navigates the nuanced complexities of a human being’s perspective on his own life and afterlife. OperaWire visited more with Lang about {…}


The Crossing and Roots in the Sky to World Premiere David Lang’s ‘in nature’


On August 1, 2020, Warren Miller Performing Arts Center and Grammy Award-winning choir The Crossing will co-present the world premiere of David Lang’s “in nature,” being performed by the Montana-based choir Roots in the Sky, and conducted by Donal Nally. The work blends live and recorded performance, with singers from The Crossing providing recorded vocals for members of Roots in {…}


Lorelei Ensemble Releases David Lang’s ‘love fail’


The Lorelei Ensemble has released David Lang’s “love fail” on Cantaloupe Music. When it premiered in 2012, the piece was originally written for vocal quartet with simple percussion instruments, but in 2016, it was revised for a woman’s chorus. It retells the story of “Tristan und Isolde” from more modern works and versions by several artists, including Richard Wagner. “We {…}


The Crossing Releases Film of David Lang’s ‘protect yourself from infection’


The Crossing has released a new film that highlights David Lang’s “protect yourself from infection.” The work was commissioned by the Mütter Museum of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia for the September 2019 parade and he “Spit Spreads Death” exhibition that commemorates the 1918-19 Flu Pandemic. The film was conceived by conducted Donald Nally and created by Brett Snodgrass {…}


New York City Master Choral to Present David Lang’s ‘The Little Match Girl Passion’


The New York City Master Chorale is set to showcase “The Little Match Girl Passion” on Feb. 29, 2020 at the Church of the Holy Apostles in Chelsea, New York.  The performance, the second of the company’s 14th season, will feature the composition by David Lang, alongside “Wanting Memories” by Ysaye M. Barnwell, “Horizons” by Peter Louis van Dijk, and {…}

Behind the Scenes, Interviews

Q & A: Conductor Lesley Leighton On The Experience of Working On David Lang’s ‘the loser’


Arguably one of the most hotly anticipated productions on the west coast in the coming days is the LA Opera Off Grand production of David Lang’s ‘the loser,’ a one man show about two aspiring concert pianists who witness Glenn Gould during a masterclass that alters their hopes and dreams. The piece, which will be making its west coast premiere, {…}