Yuval Sharon To Publish ‘A New Philosophy of Opera’
By Afton MarkayYuval Sharon deemed “the most imaginative director in the US” by the New York Times, has announced the publication of his book “A New Philosophy of Opera.”
In “A New Philosophy of Opera,” Sharon draws on experiences throughout his career from Berlin to Los Angeles. He discusses re-envisioning opera as a powerhouse cultural phenomenon and his vision for an “anti-elite opera.” A curated selection of both classics and overlooked masterpieces are included in the playlist woven throughout the book to give readers a chance to sample a live operatic performance.
In a press release, Sharon comments on his idea that opera houses worldwide prioritize prestige and are devoted to tradition. He continues by saying, “more operas suffer the dull edge of routine in unimaginative and woefully under-rehearsed productions” and therefore, “the art form itself, must be reinvented.”
Sharon is the artistic director of Detroit Opera, and a MacArthur Fellow. He founded The Industry in Los Angeles, where he has directed new operas in moving cars and train stations. Sharon’s book will be released on Sept. 3.