White Snake Projects to Present ‘Sing Out Strong: Essential Voices’
By Francisco SalazarOn Dec. 19 White Snake Projects will present a digital presentation of “Sing Out Strong: Essential Voices.”
The new stream comes on the heals of the October world premiere of the company’s “Alice in the Pandemic,” a virtual opera by creator and librettist Cerise Jacobs and composer Jorge Sosa.
“Sing Out Strong” will build the technology developed for Alice even further and will include a popular community song initiative featuring texts by health care workers on the front lines of the fight against the virus, as well as by writers and composers from the underserved populations that COVID has tended disproportionately to affect.
The production will sta Carami Hilaire, Sarah Coit, Agnes Kim, and Nathan Ben-Yehuda. Tian Hui Ng leads the musical direction.
Tickets are free, with a suggested donation to support the Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses. You can register here.