Teatro dell’Opera di Roma Approves Final Balance Sheet
By Francisco SalazarThe board of the Fondazione Teatro dell’Opera in Rome unanimously approved the final balance sheet for 2020.
During a session on June 18, the board approved the balance which saw a profit of 176,255 euros. It is the seventh consecutive year where the Foundation closes with a positive balance and showcases the stable and lasting economic-financial balance.
The positive result comes during a year where theaters were shut down due to COVID-19 and caused a 69 percent decrease in the number of performances.
During the pandemic, the company found ways to continue to produce work for its audiences including filmed-opera for la RAI and for its streaming platform. It also worked with some of the city’s spaces and museums. In a statement, Carlo Fuortes noted that “The company will continue to experiment for the future years and use all that it learned throughout the pandemic.”