Polish National Opera to Present ‘Aida’
By Francisco SalazarThe Polish National Opera is set to showcase a revival production of Verdi’s “Aida.”
The company and Theatre Museum will showcase a new exhibition “Beyond Aida: Egyptomania” on Polish stages on Sept. 8 in anticipation of the new production.
The exhibition will present theatrical fascination with the culture of ancient Egypt, and above all, with the history of its last queen, Cleopatra, played by the greatest stars of the Polish scene including Helena Modrzejewska, Helena Sulima, Maria Majdrowiczówna, Irena Eichlerówna, Nina Andrycz, Kalina Jędrusik and Aleksandra Śląska.
The company will then present a new production of the Verdi work conducted by Patrick Fournillier and directed by Roberto Laganà Manoli. The cast will be led by Szymon Kobyliński, Anna Lubańska, Oksana Nosatova, Milen Bozhkov, Iurie Maimescu, and Nikoloz Lagvilava.
“Aida” opens on Oct. 14 through Nov. 6, 2022.