Opéra National de Bordeaux Postpones Ildar Abdrazakov’s Recital
By Francisco SalazarIldar Abdrazakov’s recital at the Opéra National de Bordeaux has been postponed due to a travel ban imposed by the Coronavirus outbreak.
The bass announced that due travel restrictions he will not be able to travel to Bordeaux. In a statement via social media the bass said, “FIRST OF ALL I WANT TO SAY THAT ME AND MY PIANST Mzia Bakhtouridze WHO LIVES IN MILAN WE ARE NOT SICK! Due to travel restrictions related to Covid 19, I have been forced to cancel my recital in Bordeaux. While I am not sick myself, the restrictions imposed made it impossible for me and my pianist to travel to Bordeaux. The new date will be announce soon. I AM VERY SORRY.
Abdrazakov was scheduled to perform on March 11. The bass is the latest performer to be affected by the Coronavirus. Last week conductor Daniele Callegari was forced to cancel his commitment at the Israeli Opera due to the travel restrictions while Thomas Hampson was unable to perform this weekend with the Israel Philharmonic.
Abdrazakov next performs at the Bolshoi Theatre in “Attila” and then heads to the Salzburg Easter Festival for “Don Carlo.”