Obituary: Musicologist Domencio De Meo Dies at 94
By Francisco SalazarOn Oct. 15, 2022, Musicologist, and former collaborator of the Teatro Bellini in Catania Domenico De Meo died at the age of 94.
De Meo was known for his work on Bellini productions and received the prestigious “Bellini d’Oro” in 2008. He leaves an impressive archive of documents, edited together with his wife Caterina Andò.
As a musicologist, pianist, and teacher, De Meo carried out intense philological activity aimed mainly at the proto-romantic and romantic repertoire, and in the analysis of autographed scores by Vincenzo Bellini. He wanted to deepen their contents and highlight the still unknown and problematic aspects, of the exegetical plan and interpretation.
Born in Catania in 1928, De Meo studied at the “San Pietro a Majella” Conservatory of Naples and later worked under the guidance of Paolo Denza. De Meo then worked for five decades as a collaborator teacher at the Teatro Massimo Bellini in Catania and other institutions and also worked as a pianist and founded the Ensemble Etneo in order to disseminate lesser-known pieces by illustrious composers.
He would go on to carefully study many of Bellini’s works and write critical reviews, numerous articles in various specialized publications and magazines, as well as essays for the hall programs of prestigious theatrical and musical institutions such Opera di Roma, Regio di Parma, and Massimo Bellini di Catania.
He also wrote essays dedicated to Rossini, Verdi, Massenet, Mozart, Beethoven, R. Strauss, and J. Strauss. Some of the other work he was well known for was the reconstruction and revision of the score and libretto of “Adelson and Salvini” which would be staged on Sept. 23, 1992, at the Teatro Massimo in Catania and later recorded on CD by the Nuova Era.
He also oversaw the revision of the score “Homage to Bellini” by Saverio Mercadante as well as the inclusion of the trumpet solo in “La Sonnambula” and the instrumentation of the Allegro of the Symphony by “Bianca and Fernando.”
De Meo wrote notes for the recording of the world premiere of some unpublished pieces by Vincenzo Bellini and became a member of the Scientific Committee set up by the E.A.R. Massimo Bellini Theater in Catania. He also participated in the International conference “Vincenzo Bellini, among other conferences and gave master classes on “Norma,” “La sonnambula,” and “Lucia di Lammermoor.”