New York Opera Fest 2017: Experiments In Opera Showcases 6 New ‘Flash Operas’

By David Salazar

As part of the second ever New York Opera Fest, Experiments in Opera is showcasing its Flash Opera.

The company has partnered with Symphony Space to commission six new short operas. The six, new works will each last 15 minutes apiece but will be fully staged in an evening-length program in the Thalia Theater.

Up first will be Peter Mehlman’s “Mandela Was Late” with music by Nicole Murphy. A.M. Homes’ “Things You Should Know” will be set to music by Miguel Frasconi while Patricia Marx’s “Pledge Drive,” will be scored by Cristina Lord.

Then it will be time for the Experiments in Opera co-founders to showcase their composition skills with the final three operas. Matthew Welch will set Keith Scribner’s “Level” to music while Aaron Siegel will score “The Wallet” by Andrew McCuaig. Finally, Jason Cady will showcase his operatic skill as he scores Jack Handey’s “The Voices in My Head.”

All six operas will be directed by Rob Reese.

The production will run for two days on May 5 and 6. The May 5 performance kicks off at 7:30 p.m. EDT while Sunday will feature an evening performance at 7:30 p.m. EDT and a 2:00 p.m. EDT show.


