Music at Co-Cath to Showcase Monteverdi’s ‘Vespro della Beata Vergine’
By David SalazarMusic at Co-Cath is set to present Monteverdi’s “Vespro della Beata Vergine” on Dec. 9 and 10 in Brooklyn, NY.
The showcase, celebrating the Lady of Guadalupe, “La Virgen de las Américas,” will reenact the Virgin’s appearances to Juan Diego, an Aztec. Audiences will hear short Spanish and English readings and performances from 14 singers.
Soloists for the performance include Angela Yam, Cristina María Castro, Mary Rice, Juan Hernandez, Richard Pittsinger, Hilary Baboukis, James Danner, Santiago Yachari Gutiérrez, and Vince Gover. Madalyn Luna plays the role of the Virgen de Guadalupe, with Leonardo Zelig as Juan Diego. Natalie Trumm takes on Maria Lucia, Markos Simopoulos interprets Juan Diego’s uncle, and Christopher Seefeldt plays the Bishop.
Anna Rebek directs while Alejandro Zuleta conducts.