Metropolitan Opera Releases Statement on Ukraine & Cuts Ties with Putin Supported Artists
By Francisco SalazarThe Metropolitan Opera has released a statement regarding the war in Ukraine.
In a video published on the company’s website, General Manager Peter Gelb said, “The Metropolitan Opera opens its heart to the innocent victims of the unprovoked war in Ukraine and salutes the heroism of the Ukrainian people. We stand in solidarity with them and urge the leaders of the free world to support them in their hour of need.”
He added, “We shed tears from them including their brothers and sisters in Russia who are also victims of the lies and propaganda of Putin who seems intent on the destruction of Ukraine its people and all personal freedoms in Ukraine and Russia.”
At the end of his statement, Gelb emphasized, “While we believe strongly in the warm friendship and cultural exchange that has long existed between the artists and the artistic institutions of Russia and the United States, we can no longer engage with artists or institutions that support Putin or are supported by him. Not until the invasion and killing has been stopped, order has been restored and restitutions have been made.”
Gelb went on to dedicate the rest of the season to the heroism in Ukraine.