Los Angeles Master Chorale & Hamilton High School Students to Present “Stonewall: The Oratorio”

By Chris Ruel

Now in its 12th year, the Oratorio Project of the Los Angeles Master Chorale teamed up with 60 students from the Academy of Music and Performing Arts at Hamilton High School to write “Stonewall: The Oratorio,” an eight-part choral piece recounting the events of the Stonewall Inn uprising on June 28, 1969, which sparked the gay rights movement.

Under the guidance of Master Chorale professional teaching artists Alice Kirwan Murray, singer; Brett Paesel, lyricist; and Saunder Choi, composer, the Hamilton High School students created the oratorio, which pays tribute to the LGBTQ community’s journey and history.

Hamilton High School students will perform the fully orchestrated 40-minute work joined by Chorale singers.

A free public performance at Hamilton High School Auditorium is scheduled for Mar. 29 at 7:00 pm

