High School Students In Buenos Aires To Mount Mozart’s ‘Bastien und Bastienne’
By David Salazar(Credit: Ópera en Argentina / Noelia Pirsic)
Students from the Colegio Liceo 9 Santiago Derqui de Belgrano in Buenos Aires, Argentina will present Mozart’s “Bastien und Batienne” on Sunday, Nov. 17, 2019.
The performance, which marks the second straight year that students put on an opera by Mozart as part of the “Liceópera” program, will take place at the Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo. The performance is free to the public.
In addition to featuring students from public schools, the performance will also showcase instrumentalists from the Escuela de Música Juan Pedro Esnaola. Nicolás Ravelli Barreiro, one of the coordinators of Liceópera, will conduct.
Per a report by Opera en Argentina, the early Mozart work was translated to modern language in order to better connect with other students.
“We updated the drama by placing it in our time period and fitting it to the essence of the Liceo,” noted Christian Marttey, one of the production’s team members.
Work on the opera started back in March with over 150 students working alongside teachers from such departments as literature, language, music, and plastic arts. The students worked together to adapt the opera, marketing, mis-en-scene, and even lighting, among other facets.