Half-Light Productions to Present ‘Zombie Opera’ on Halloween

By David Salazar

New Jersey-based Half-Light Productions is set to present “Zombie Opera” on Oct. 31, 2021.

The Halloween film and theater production will star Phillip Bullock, Molly Dunn, Raúl Guitiérrez, Kofi Hayford, Rachelle Pike, and Jaime Webb as they take on music from “La Traviata,” “La Bohème,” “Carmen,” and “Rigoletto,” among others. The performance will be directed by Catriona Rubenis-Stevens and produced by Rubenis-Stevens, Molly Dunn, and Julia Mendes. The event is hosted by Lillian Bustle.

The concert is free but the organization will be receiving donations to benefit LUX Performing Arts Scholarship Fund which support students of any socio-economic backgrounds to have access to quality performing arts education.

“Our goal with Zombie Opera is to bring classical music to everyone all ages, in a fun and easy to see way. After presenting opera this way for almost a year and a half now, on a neighborhood stoop, I’m always thrilled to hear comments from people about how enjoyable opera is, and that even though they have never seen any performed live before, they actually know far more of the songs than they think!”

