Contemporary Arts Museum Houston to Showcase J.R. Hernández’s ‘Voces Fantasmas’
By David SalazarComposer, Cinematographer, and Director J.R. Hernández is set to present “Voces Fantasmas” to the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston on Dec. 5, 2020.
The showcase is a mutli-disciplinary program that honors immigrants detained inside ICE detention centers. The performance was inspired by the Mexican-born composer’s own experience, where he remained in such a facility for 60 days in 2013.
“Seven years ago, my life changed forever, and my vision of humanity was crushed. I was separated from my family and detained by ICE for sixty days inside an immigrant detention center. I lived with many different people, some who died while imprisoned. Though I am living as a free man today, their faces and their voices are with me, and will be forever. ‘Voces Fantasmas’ is my way to not only honor, but project these voices and faces out into the consciousness of the public, so that their struggles will live beyond life and death,” Hernández stated in a press release.
The work features music, dance, and film and features performances by soprano Shannon Murray, the Apollo Chamber Players, and Houston Contemporary Dance Company. There is also a film by FILMATIC.
The performance can be viewed via the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston’s website, YouTube, and Facebook channels. The work will be presented at 12, 3, and 6 p.m. local time on Dec. 5.