Cerise Jacobs Joins Forces With Elena Ruehr for ‘Cosmic Cowboy’
By David Salazar(Credit: James Daniel/ Christian Steiner)
Prolific librettist Cerise Jacobs is teaming up with composer Elena Ruehr for the new opera “Cosmic Cowboy,” which is set to world premiere this fall.
The opera, which blends ancient history and fantasy to focus on themes of colonization, is inspired by the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower landing at Plymouth Rock a well as the landing of the space probe on Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The world premiere is set for Sept. 25-27 at Robert J. Orchard Stage in Boston, Massachusetts.
The opera will be preceded by “Sing Out Strong: DeColonized Voices,” 10 songs on the theme of colonization.
“Cosmic Cowboy” follows Jacobs’ “I Am a Dream Who No Longer Dreams,” a work about the challenges of the American Dreams.
Ruehr is best-known for her music for string and voices, particularly the pieces she composed for the Cypress String Quartet.