Aspen Music Festival and School New Name for Music Tent

By David Salazar

Aspen Music Festival and School has announced that the Music Tent will now be known as the “Michael Klein Music Tent.”

The new name reflects Klein’s dedication to the festival and for his support over the past few years.

“This gift reflects the deepest belief in the mission and work of the AMFS, from one of the world’s most generous and principled philanthropists. Mike steered the festival through the pandemic with strength and wisdom, and he gives this gesture of belief and confidence at the perfect moment, at the beginning of our 75th anniversary season,” said Alan Fletcher, Aspen Music Festival and School President and CEO, in a press statement.

The Tent has usually gone by the name “Music Tent” over the years, though in 1993 it was first named the “Bayer-Benedict Tent” in honor of architects Herbert Bayer and Fritz Benedict. It was then renamed “Benedict Music Tent” in honor of Benedict’s leadership. Benedict’s name will continue to be honored with the entrance of the Tent now named “Benedict Entrance.”

