Amelie Tatti, Inna Kalugina, Sandrine Piau, Arnaud Gluck, Lucile Richardot Headline Salle Cortot’s November 2024 Slate

By David Salazar

The Salle Cortot in Paris has announced its slate for November 2025.

Headlining the vocal performances on offer is “Canzoni di Corsica è Ucraina,” with sopranos Amelie Tatti and Inna Kalugina. They are joined by instrumentalists Camille Theveneau, Sacha Pietri, Clotilde Boussange, and Hugo Pietri.

Performance Date: Nov. 14, 2024AMORE LANGUEO : Je me languis d’amour…

Next up is “Amore Langueo,”  a concert featuring works by Kapsberger, Grandi, Rovetta, Monteverdi, Di Lasso, Francesca Caccini, Calvi, Frescobaldi, and Barbara Strozzi, among others. Countertenor Arnaud Gluck headlines the program alongside instrumentalists Alice Letort and Manon Papasergio.

The concert is organized by Philbarok Production.

Performance Date: Nov. 21, 2024

Lucrezia, portraits de femme | Haendel, Marcello et Montéclair

Finally, “Lucrezia, portraits de femme” features music by Händl, Montéclaire, and Vivaldi. Soprano Sandrine Piau and mezzo-soprano Lucile Richardot headline the performance alongside such instrumentalists as Catherine Plattner, Patricia Oliva, Nicolas Crnjanski, Franck Ratajczyk, Charles-Edouard Fantin, and Jérôme Correas, who also conducts the showcase.

The performance is organized by Spedidam, SPPF, Centre National de la Musique, and Les Paladins, among others.

Performance Date: Nov. 25, 2024

