White Snake Projects Announces ‘A Survivor’s Odyssey’

By David Salazar

White Snake Projects has announced that it will present “A Survivor’s Odyssey,” the third virtual opera in the company’s Pandemic trilogy, this September.

The work uses characters from Homer’s “Odyssey” to explore such themes as intimate partner violence, domestic violence, and rape – all of which increased throughout the pandemic.

“It isn’t that any of these issues are new. Racism, violence against women, and economic disadvantage have always been there, but the pandemic forced them into public consciousness, as well as making things that were always problems into full-blown crises. This spurred White Snake Projects on to tremendous evolution on the social action front, and to fulfill that part of our mission we had to have tools – digital tools – that could reach people in their isolation. Inventing those tools was the other half of our evolution, and the marriage of the two resulted in the pandemic trilogy,” stated Cerise Jacobs, librettist and the creator of White Snake Projects.

The work will feature music by Mary Prescott and will be directed by Elena Araoz. Marsha Thompson, Amanda Crider, Patrick Dailey, and Nathan Stark will make up the cast of the opera.

The opera will premiere online on Sept. 24 with subsequent performances set for the 26 and 28th.

