Tri-Cities Opera to Present ‘Bridge Over Muddied Waters’
By Francisco SalazarTri-Cities Opera is set to present Cynthia Clarey to the Tri-Cities Opera center stage with a timely, relevant and thought-provoking performance of “Bridge Over Muddied Waters” on June 19.
The event will be part of the Juneteenth celebration in Binghamton, New York which will also include the Black Excellence Awards on June 17 and the Annual Juneteenth Community Celebration on June 18.
“Bridge Over Muddied Waters” draws on her personal experience of growing up in the South in the 1950’s and her knowledge of the joyful power of music.
The evening will be performed in collaboration with virtuosic pianist Beckie Menzie and percussionist, Conrad Alexander and will include an eclectic array of soulful songs made famous by Billie Holiday, Michael Jackson, Cole Porter, Lionel Ritchie, Luther Vandross, and more.