The Phoenix Symphony Makes Major Anouncements at Board Meeting

By David Salazar

The Phoenix Symphony has made some announcements regarding its Board members.

First off, the organization revealed that Eliot Minsker has been named an honorary trustee. He served on the Board for 12 years.

Additionally, there were a few newly elected members including Susan Haag, past Senior Vice President of Finance and Administration of the Symphony; Doug Loefgren, Attorney, Loefgren Law; Linda “Mac” Perlich, Owner, of ON Media Publishing; and Kallie Rose, Community Leader.

“We are delighted to welcome these four community leaders to The Phoenix Symphony’s Board of Directors,” said Adam Goodman, Board Chair, in an official press release. “Their experience and wisdom will help us to advance our orchestra at an important time in its history. I am optimistic about the future as the Symphony fulfills its mission to provide extraordinary musical experiences that inspire and advance our community, enriching the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds.”

Moreover, several retiring directors were recognized, including Kevin Moriarty, past Chief Financial Officer, TurbineAero, Inc.; and Aidan McSheffrey, past Associate General Manager & Chief Financial Executive, at Salt River Project. Kevin Moriarty served as Immediate Past Co-Chair and Treasurer of the Symphony Board, while Aidan McSheffrey served as a Vice Chair.

