The Opera World Reacts to Dmitri Hvorostovsky on Social Media
By David SalazarThe opera world woke up to the sad news of Dmitri Hvorostovsky’s passing. Here is a look at all the love being spread by his colleagues and the like throughout the opera community.
I just woke to the news that Dmitri Hvorostovsky has passed, and am floored. Absolutely heartbroken. Have no words.https://t.co/IOsAM1hXpb
— Jamie Barton (@jbartonmezzo) November 22, 2017
Our thoughts are with the family, friends and colleagues of Dmitri Hvorostovsky. The baritone sang Ochi chernye in a concert at the Liceu last November 2016 ▶️https://t.co/3ou1a3pYWU
— Gran Teatre Liceu (@Liceu_cat) November 22, 2017
Il Teatro alla Scala apprende con profondo dolore la notizia della scomparsa dopo lunga malattia del baritono Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Il mondo della musica perde con lui una delle sue figure più amate e rispettate. pic.twitter.com/LQ2cFWmaVU
— Teatro alla Scala (@teatroallascala) November 22, 2017
We started there, in Cardiff together…
Life goes so fast!
I so much wanted to believe that this time he’s going to win again!
May his beautiful, generous soul rest in peace! pic.twitter.com/vQ0PMOQcVX— pendatchanska (@alexpenda) November 22, 2017
No words seem enough to describe our feelings on the loss of Dima. His love and friendship was valued by all of us and we will miss him terribly. xxx https://t.co/PoojUvYwUJ
— ROH Chorus (@ROHchorus) November 22, 2017
La notizia della tua scomparsa ci è arrivata fulminea e ci atterrisce.. ti ricordiamo così, col tuo debutto in Italia, partendo proprio da qui con l’ONEGIN (1991) e poi col Germont ne LA TRAVIATA, che ci ha visto risorgere nel 2004.
Grazie, Dmitry. RIP pic.twitter.com/EnmCRmdyKZ— Teatro La Fenice (@teatrolafenice) November 22, 2017
Il mio cuore colmo di tristezza per la tua scomparsa Dmitri. Fiero di aver condiviso con te le scene dei teatri del mondo oltre che i bellissimi momenti di amicizia . Il mondo della lirica continuerà ad essere illuminato dalla tua stella che risplenderà in eterno R.I.P Amico mio pic.twitter.com/ufPSzyVJue
— Saimir Pirgu (@saimirpirgu) November 22, 2017
Dmitri Hvorostovsky… you were a generous, lovely colleague- it was a privilege to work with and know you. My thoughts are with your family
— Nicole Car (@NicoleCar_Opera) November 22, 2017
Dima,You will be forever in our Hearts!Unforgettable!!! R.I.P. my Friend. Condolence to the Family.
Oh, my heart aches from this news. I honestly can’t believe it. I never had the pleasure of meeting this legend, but his gift was highly respected throughout the opera world. Lots of prayers to his family. There is a giant hole left in the world today. https://t.co/wXVRukoLdw
— angela brower (@angela_brower) November 22, 2017