The Crossing to Premiere ‘Knee Plays’
By David Salazar(Credit: Christian Stewart)
The Annenberg Center in Philadelphia is set to present “Knee Plays” featuring The Crossing.
The performance, which is set for Feb. 21 and 22, 2020, is a newly staged theatrical production that will center on Philip Glass’ “Knee Plays” from his famed “Einstein on the Beach.” The concert will also present David Byrne’s “The Knee Plays” with texts by Robert Wilson and David Byrne.
“We investigate identity. We laugh at themselves. And we are transformed. Physically. The spirit of Japanese theatre returns to the Knee Plays, if only as an attempt to understand The Other. To connect. To be the knee,” says the official website for the concert.
It will be conducted by Donald Nally, who conceived the project, with Dito van Reigersberg narrating. Design and Lighting will be created by Eric Southern with Paul Vasquez as Sound Designer.
The Crossing is set to showcase a number of concerts throughout the beginning of 2020, including “Travel Guide to Nicaragua,” and its Month of Moderns series.