Teatro Verdi Trieste to Give European Premiere of ‘MIMMA’
By Afton MarkayTeatro Verdi Trieste will give the European Premiere of Ronald Siemiginowski and Giles Watson’s “MIMMA.”
As part of Il Suono di Trieste/The Sound of Trieste the Verdi Orchestra presents “MIMMA.” The cast features English actors and singers. “MIMMA” is based on the novel by Giles Watson and tells the true story of an Italian journalist who flees her country to live in England during the Second World War.
Superintendent Giuliano Polo said in a press release, ‘The new Trieste summer, strongly desired already last year by the city’s administration, must slowly move from being high entertainment for the growing international tourism, to a new cultural challenge, a second season that is more experimental, innovative, courageous, and aimed at meeting the tastes of a different audience accustomed to the great offerings of the international capitals of origin. In this sense, “MIMMA” is perfect as it combines an almost absolute novelty with a musical language at the crossroads of different genres and influences.”
The premiere takes place on July 30 and 31 at Teatro Verdi Trieste.