Stichting LustrumOpera Brings ‘Doctor Atomic’ Back to Netherlands for First Time in 16 Years
By David Salazar(Photo by Richard Terborg)
John Adams‘ “Doctor Atomic” has returned to the Netherlands for the first time in 16 years courtesy of Stichting LustrumOpera.
The production, which opened on July 13, 2023, will run through July 25 at the Werkspoorkathedrall in Uthrect and stars Quirijn de Lang as Dr. Oppenheimer and Jeannette van Schaik as Kitty Oppenheimer. Other cast members include Bart Driessen, Agris Hartmanis, Lucas van Lierop, Jeroen de Vaal, Nanco de Vries, and Maria Koshiishi.
They will be joined by director Wim Trompert and conductor Bas Pollard. Set design is by Eric Goossens, costume design by Martjin Kramp, light design by Cor van den Brink, sound design by Jan Panis, choreography by Blazej Jazinkski, and dramaturgyby Karim Ameur.
The production team will also feature 10 students from the Utrechtsch Studenten Concert (Utrecht Student Orchestra). Per an official press statement, these students “have set aside their studies for a year to dedicate themselves full-time, unpaid, to Doctor Atomic.”
The performance of the opera will be paired with a number of other exhibitions and events surrounding the first nuclear test in 1945 as part of the Opera Science Festival.