Soprano Elizabeth De Trejo To Be Featured In The Orchestra Now’s ‘De Profundis’ Concert

By David Salazar

The Orchestra Now is set to present its final performance of its Carnegie Hall season Thursday, May 2, 2019, which will feature a number of New York premieres.

Led by maestro Leon Botstein, the performance will place a special spotlight on Psalm 130, which reads, “Out of the depths, Oh Lord, have I cried unto thee.” Every single piece in the program will focus on this very passage.

Among them are Joachin Raff’s “Psalm 130: De Profundis” and Lera Auerbach’s “De Profundis (Violin Concerto No. 3) as well as Virgil Thomas’ “De Profundis” and Lili Boulanger’s “Psalm 130: Du fond de l’abîme.”

Auerbach’s piece will be interpreted by famed violinist Vadim Repin, while Raff’s, which was dedicated to Franz Liszt, will feature soprano Elizabeth de Trejo and the Bard Festival Chorale. De Trejo will also be featured on Boulanger’s interpretation.



