San Francisco Opera to Present Final Showcase of ‘The Opera in You’

By David Salazar

San Francisco Opera is set to present “The Opera in You: Season Finale Showcase” on April 22, 2023.

The workshop will be led by Program Facilitator Corey Rosen and will feature performances by poet laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin, mezzo-soprano Erin Neff, and pianist Cole Thomason-Redus.

Additionally, throughout the session, which kicks off at 2 p.m. at the Green Room in the Veterans Building, participants will get a chance to read their five-minute stories in front of the audience.

“’The Opera in You’ workshops have been a journey of self-discovery. I have learned how to pour the jumble of thoughts and memories from my head into a stream of words and then to edit them effectively for powerful storytelling,” participant Cheong Yong said in an official press statement issued by the company. “I have taken the workshops twice and found that each instructor brought their own unique passion, experiences and skills to teach us something different, in engaging ways, at every session. From my workshop classmates, I have learned each of us has poignant stories which deserve to be told and shared. Their stories are a reflection of our unique rich culture and our wonderfully diverse community in San Francisco.”


