Plataforma de Técnicos y Técnicas Afectadas Set to Move Forward With More Strikes to Madrid Theaters
By David SalazarThe Plataforma de Técnicos y Técnicas Afectadas has announced its intention to proceed with another strike this week.
The movement is unhappy with a new decree that imposes titles and certificates for technical professionals, which would leave more than 60 percent of technical workers without employment.
The Plataforma added in a press statement that the title requirements are not specific or correspond with many of the positions technical workers occupy and are also not accessible to all. It would take up to two years for many workers to earn said certificates, which several employees simply cannot afford to wait for.
The organization noted that the Función Pública, which is in charge of such modifications, has not shown any interest in negotiating.
Moreover, the Plataforma noted that INAEM (Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y la Músic), which has been made aware of and recognized the issue, is set to present a new proposal to the Función Pública that while helping to open up opportunities and titles in some respects, would still leave many current technical workers without employment.
As a result of this ongoing situation, the Plataforma is determined to continue its strikes over the next few weeks. The next partial strike is scheduled for Oct. 21 and is expected to shut down the Teatro María Guerrero’s opening of “La última noche del mundo.” There would be other theaters, including the Teatro de la Zarzuela.