Palau de les Arts to Present Zarzuela ‘El barberillo de Lavapiés’
By Francisco Salazar(Credit: Javier del Real)
The Palau del les Arts in Valenica, Spain is set to present a new production of the Zarzuela “El barberillo de Lavapiés.”
The production by Alfredo Sanzol originally premiered in 2019 at the Teatro de la Zarzuela de Madrid to rave reviews. In Valencia the work will be conducted by Miguel Ángel Gómez Martínez and will star Sandra Ferrández, Maria Miró, Borja Quiza, Javier Tomé, Abel García, David Sánchez, Ángel Burgos, Carmen Avivar, David Asín, and Antonio Gómez.
“El barberillo de Lavapiés” is set to open on April 16 and run through 22, 2021.
The Palau de les Arts is one of the only companies in the world currently performing a live audience. The company is also set to present a recital by Sonya Yoncheva at the end of the month.