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Reviews, Stage Reviews

Innsbruck Early Music Festival 2020 Review: Leonora


(Photo: Brigitte Duftner) Italian composer Ferdinando Paër (1771 – 1839) is significant in the history of opera for his work during the first decade of the 19th century in developing opera semi-seria by integrating attributes of serious and comic opera. And although no longer well-known, his operas do receive the occasional performance. This year, however, there were a couple of {…}

Reviews, Stage Reviews

Innsbruck Early Music Festival 2019 Review: La Dori


(Photo: Innsbrucker Festwochen/Rupert Larl) To mark the 350th anniversary of the death of the Italian composer, Antonio Cesti, the Innsbruck Early Music Festival decided to mount a production of his opera “La Dori, overo Lo schiavo reggio,” written for Archduke Ferdinand Karl of Further Austria, and premiered at the city’s court theatre in 1657. Cesti had a close relationship with {…}

Reviews, Stage Reviews

Innsbruck Early Music Festival 2019 Review: Ottone


(Photo:Rupert Larl) Each year Innsbruck’s Early Music Festival stages a Barockoper:Jung production in the inner courtyard of the theological faculty in the city’s university, devoted to showcasing the talents of younger singers, including selected finalists from the previous year’s Cesti competition. This year’s presentation was Handel’s 1719 opera, “Ottone.” The libretto, by Stefano Benedetto Pallavicino and adapted by Nicola Francesco {…}

Reviews, Stage Reviews

Innsbruck Early Music Festival 2019 Review: Merope


(Photo: Innsbrucker Festwochen/Rupert Larl) In 1732, “Merope” was premiered at the Turin carnival. It was written by the now little known composer Riccardo Broschi to a libretto by Apostolo Zeno. The complex plot is typical of the period, in which a usurper, Polifonte, has taken the throne of Messene, after having murdered its King, Cresfonte, and his children. Such an {…}

Behind the Scenes, Interviews

Q & A: Director Anna-Magdalena Fitzi On Her Approach To Coaching Singers And “Ottone” At Innsbruck’s Early Music Festival


Innsbruck’s Early Music Festival is presenting Handel’s “Ottone” as its Barockoper: Jung production in which promising young talented singers who have just embarked upon their careers are given the opportunity to perform in a fully staged work. The director for this production, Anna-Magdalena Fitzi seems the ideal choice to take charge of the staging as she works extensively with young {…}

Reviews, Stage Reviews

Innsbruck Early Music Festival 2019 Review: Cesti Competition


(Photos: Celina Friedrichs) When Alessandro De Marchi took up his post as Artistic Director of Innsbruck’s Early Music Festival one of his first innovations was to introduce the “Cesti Competition,” with the aim of promoting the profile of, and opportunities for, young singers specializing in the baroque. Now in its tenth year, the competition’s status on the international stage is {…}

Behind the Scenes, Interviews

Q & A: Sigrid T’Hooft On Directing Broschi’s ‘Merope’ At This Summer’s Innsbruck’s Early Music Festival


(Photo: Jonas Lampens) The great castrato, Carlo Maria Michelangelo Broschi, better known as Farinelli, had such impact on 18th century opera-seria that his fame has lasted down the centuries, so that even today his name remains well-known amongst opera-goers. His older brother, Riccardo Broschi, however is less well-known, few will recognize his name. Yet, during his lifetime he was a {…}

Behind the Scenes, Interviews

Q & A: Stefano Vizioli On The Modernity Of Cesti’s ‘La Dori’ At This Summer’s Innsbruck Early Music Festival


This year’s schedule for Innsbruck’s Early Music Festival includes three operas from the baroque period: “La Dori” by Antonio Cesti; “Merope” by Farinelli’s brother, Riccardo Broschi, and “Ottone” by Handel. Over the next few weeks Operawire will be interviewing the three directors responsible for the staging of the operas. Cesti’s “La Dori” was written in 1657, for the Court in {…}

Reviews, Stage Reviews

Innsbruck Festival for Early Music 2018 Review: La Semele, o Sia la Richiesta Fatale


The final opera of this year’s Innsbruck’s Festival for Early Music was “La Semele, o sia la richiesta fatale,” written in 1726 by the relatively unknown German composer, Johann Adolf Hasse, to a libretto by Francesco Ricciardi. Technically this is not an opera as such, but a serenata, although it could certainly fall within its ambit. Deriving from the Classical and {…}