Opera Studio Beckmann Announces New Scholarship Recipients
By Nicolas QuirogaThe Opera Studio Beckmann has released a list of the scholarship recipients for the 2021-2022 season.
In sum, eight of the recipients are women, of which six are sopranos and two mezzo-sopranos; there were also seven men, including five tenors and two basses were selected. The artists include Dulce Guadarrama, Génesis Moreno, Lucero Jazmin, Paulina de la Peña, María Salazar, Ariadna Rosales, Itzeli Jauregui Mayela Lou, Jorge Echeagaray, Omar Flores, Ricardo Calderón, Ricardo Estrada, Salvador Villanueva, Ricardo Ceballos, and Salvador Rivas.
Recipients will engage in a series of workshops centered on vocal technique, vocal coaching, acting, languages, protocol, and intercultural communication. They will also engage with the second edition of “Zarzuela Por El Mundo,” with masterclasses given by such artists as Nancy Fabiola Herrera, Isabel Costes, and Marcelo Pérez.
Finally, there will also be an exchange with the Gran Teatro del Liceu in Barcelona for students from both countries.
In the final quarter of the program, participants will there will be a concert of Rossini’s work “Petite Messe Solennelle,” dedicated to the victims of COVID-19 and to the people who have suffered from the virus.
“We are very pleased to be able to announce a new generation of OSB scholarship recipients and thus give continuity and support to young Mexican talent,” said tenor Benito Rodríguez, Director of the Opera Studio Beckmann, in a press release.
The scholarships are aimed at supporting singers who have an international career and hail from different states of Mexico.