Obituary: Cherished baritone of Chepstow, Karl Daymond, Dies at 52
By Logan MartellAfter collapsing at a town council meeting Wednesday night, Welsh baritone Karl Daymond was taken to the Royal Gwent Hospital, where he passed away.
A beloved member of his Chepstow community, Daymond is described by family friend Glyn Jones as “a shining light in Chepstow and the whole area and was the star leader of five singing clubs.” Daymond is remembered not only for performing with the Welsh and English national operas, but for his heartfelt involvement with the people of Chepstow. Shortly before speaking at a town council meeting regarding the fate of Drill Hall, a venue where Daymond had directed several shows, he reportedly fell short of breath before collapsing.
“He had immense energy and a sense of fun and that was infectious,” says Paul Pavia. Chepstow mayor Dale Rooke, says also: “Karl was a larger than life character within the community, he will be sorely missed.”