NYC Opera Shows Even Greater Support For LGBT Community With Pride Parade

By David Salazar

The New York City Opera wants you to march with the organization on Sunday, June 25, 2017, as part of the Pride Parade.

The organization posted an event on Facebook open to everyone interested in participating. The event is slated to take place between 12 p.m. EDT and 10 p.m. EDT, according to the page.

“New York City Opera artists, staff, and fans are marching in this year’s NYC Pride Parade! All are welcome to join us in the biggest pride march in the world to celebrate the LGBT community and its immeasurable contribution to our favorite art form!,” says the announcement on Facebook.

NYC Opera has been a huge supporter of the LGBT community, undertaking its own initiative of presenting LGBT operas every June. This year, the company showcased Eötvös’“Angels in America.” Next season, the organization will perform a run of Wuorinen’s “Brokeback Mountain. This run will be the U.S. Premiere of the opera.



