New Opera West Returns to Live Performances with Annual Pop-Up Festival
By Logan MartellOn March 5, 2022, New Opera West will return to live performances with its annual Pop-Up Festival, featuring seven new mini-operas by composers from around the world.
The works are: “It’s a Tragedy,” by Marc L. Vogler; “Toxic X,” by Ben Stevenson; “Desert Games” by composer Nicola Straffelini and librettist Carlo Canine; “Diana and Narcissus,” by composer Matt Frey and librettist Jami Brandli; “Par for the Course,” by composer Lisa Neher and librettist Kendra Leonard; “’Solioquy’ from L’AMOUR FOU,” by composer Jenni Brandon and librettist Oliver Mayer; and “Ain’t That About A-,” by composer Marcus Norris and librettist Adamma Ebo.
Among the cast and crew for the works are directors Chris Halsted and Jayongela Wilder; pianists Kathryn Eames and Sky Lee; and artists Angel Riley, Edmond Rodriguez, Emily Thebaut, Maria Elena Altany, Anthony Moreno, Jon Keenan, and Kasper.
Performances will be held at the Broadwater Main Stage Theater in Los Angeles on March 5 and 6. Tickets are available for $17, with discounts available for students, seniors, and artists.