Laura Wilde Headlines Live Stream of Malmö Opera’s ‘Salome’
By David SalazarMalmö Opera is set to live stream “Salome” on March 9, 2025.
The showcase will star Laura Wilde in the title role alongside Lars Cleveman as Herod, Karin Lovelius as Herodias, and Kostas Smoriginas as Jochanaan. Other cast members include Conny Thimander, Mathilda Bryngelsson, Carl Rahmqvist, Tor Lind, Rickard Söderberg, Fredrik Hagerberg, Joel Kyhle, Magnus Lindegård, Darko Neshovski, Caspar Engdahl, Gustav Johansson, Laine Quist, and Philip Christensson Gerrard.
The opera is directed by Eirik Stubø and conducted by Patrick Ringborg.
“Salome” had its Malmö Opera premiere on Feb. 9, 2008, and the current production is set to open on Feb. 9. It runs through March 30, 2025. The live stream will be showcased directly on the company’s website. It features Swedish and English subtitles.
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