James Levine & Met Opera Settle Lawsuit, Per NY Times
By David Salazar(Credit: Koichi Miura/Metropolitan Opera)
The Met Opera and James Levine have quietly settled the ongoing suit over the conductor’s firing a few years ago, per The New York Times.
The Met Opera had fired Levine in 2018 after conducting an investigation regarding accusations of sexual misconduct leveled against the maestro. The famed conductor then proceeded to sue the organization that he had had a lengthy association with.
He reportedly sought more than $5.8 million and his lawyers claimed that the Met had no contractual right to remove Levine from his position as there were no provisions that allowed such action on grounds of “alleged or actual misconduct or wrongdoing.”
The report indicated that neither side was willing to comment on the legal battle and noted that the settlement took place at a crucial moment for both sides. More information would likely have come out about Levine’s accusations and his private life, while the extent of Met’s knowledge, or lack thereof, of Levine’s actions would have also been exposed.
Levine last conducted with the company in a 2017 run of Verdi’s Requiem.